Re: Port Scan Question (kinda urgent)

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The machine that you are scanning from could be filtering these ports
outgoing. Additionally, if the remote machine is on a different subnet, the
router or routers between the two machines could be filtering these ports.

Geoff Traugott
Director of Systems Administration
Community TechKnowledge, Inc.
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|        |          David Correa                   |
|        |          <>          |
|        |          Sent by:                       |
|        |          security-discuss-bounce@linuxse|
|        |                     |
|        |                                         |
|        |                                         |
|        |          05/03/2002 01:07 PM            |
|        |          Please respond to              |
|        |          security-discuss               |
|        |                                         |
  |                                                                                                           |
  |       To:                                                          |
  |       cc:                                                                                                 |
  |       Subject:     Re: Port Scan Question (kinda urgent)                                                  |

On Fri, 3 May 2002, Italo Antonio wrote:
> Nmap reports these ports as "filtered" because they arent returning
> "closed messages", your firewall rules probably has "DROP" instead of
> "REJECT" for connections on these ports, check that.

Italo thanks for your feed back =)

But using the same technique on other computer with the same
iptables script does not return filtered on these ports.

Also, It did the same when it had ipchains on it, and it had REJECT,
not DENY.

I am curious about what other people think about this.

> About the chkrootkit problem, I dont know what may be happening, sorry.
> Italo.

Thanks anyway. Maybe someone else here has tried that program.

David Correa
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