Hi, You need not worry about the log files. As the log files will be removed on a periodic time. If you are using iptables for this the access speed will be reduced. So my suggestion will be not to use iptables for this purpose, as you are running Apache on Linux Machine. Simply keep the shortest time interval for clearing the log files. ----- Original Message ----- From: Eric Daigneault <scouby@vacv.com> To: <security-discuss@linuxsecurity.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 1:27 AM Subject: RedCore String !!! > Hi, > > Someone have a way to stop the error cause by RedCore in the error log of > apache. > > I'm looking for something using IPTABLE if possible ! > > Thanks all ! > > > Eric Daigneault > Administrateur Systemes > Vacances Air Canada > > -- Play with the best, die like the rest -- > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > To unsubscribe email security-discuss-request@linuxsecurity.com > with "unsubscribe" in the subject of the message. > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To unsubscribe email security-discuss-request@linuxsecurity.com with "unsubscribe" in the subject of the message.