Re: wine and security

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--- Sheer El-Showk  wrote:...> > As to the wine virus thing ... I'm not sure how susceptible the wine> libraries are to any of the exploits used by sophisticated windos> viruses> (not just emailed vb scripts) but I don't think they would be since> they> implement compatibilty but are actually an entirely seperate code> base> (thogh they do intentionally replicate some bugs ;->).  In either> case,> the virus will not be able to affect your linux system unless you're> running wine as root and have your entire linux filesystem visible> inside> your fake dos filesystem -- even then the effects are more likely to> be> random overwriting of files than anything serious.  In short, you> would> have to actively conspire to make a windows vb virus run in an> emulator> seriously affect your system (at least as far as I know).> > Sheer> Even though, I'd be aware of some viruses that may deal with boot sectors.angico.

td {  border: solid thin black;  background-color: rgb(0,160,0);  color: black;  font-family: Arial;  font-size: 10pt;  padding: 8;  text-align: center;}Angelo Giuseppe Meira Costa

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