I'm trying to load the latest from ftp.redhat.de onto an MP3000, and all appears to go ok during the installation, but when I boot the new instance, all I have when I do the ifconfig is the local loopback (lo). I also have no iucv module on the instance (netiucv.o), but the modules.conf does alias iucv0 to netiucv (alias iucv0 netiucv, and on the next line, options netiucv iucv=TCPIP). I also have a file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-iucv0 which has the following: DEVICE=iucv0 BOOTPROTO=static IPADDR= REMIP= GATEWAY= ONBOOT=yes MTU=1500 When I am going through the install, the /tmp/install.cfg has the following informaiton in it: cat install.cfg CHANDEV="" HOSTNAME="pki0018.unomaha.edu" DEVICE="iucv0" NETTYPE="iucv" IPADDR="" GATEWAY="" MTU="1500" NETWORKIP="" NETMASK="" BROADCAST="" INSTALL="" INTERACTIVE="" DNS="" SEARCHDNS="uneb.edu" RPMSERVER="ftp://linux.unomaha.edu/pub/s390/redhat/RedHat/RPMS" MOUNTS="/dev/dasda1:/" FORCEDASDFORMAT="" SWAP="/dev/dasdb" DASD="292,293" LCS="" QETH="" IUCV="iucv=TCPIP" CTC="" DTZ="CST6CDT" ROOTPW="" CROOTPW="" VERBOSEWGET="" export CHANDEV export HOSTNAME DEVICE NETTYPE IPADDR GATEWAY MTU INTERACTIVE VERBOSEWGET export NETWORKIP NETMASK BROADCAST INSTALL DNS SEARCHDNS FORCEDASDFORMAT export RPMSERVER MOUNTS SWAP DASD LCS QETH IUCV DTZ ROOTPW CROOTPW I am stuck, can anyone give me an idea of what to try next? Steve Stock Senior Technology Research Fellow Universoity of Nebraska at Omaha P.S. The boot log shows a message that the iucv interface came up successfully.