We are having problems installing Redhat 7.1 on an MP3000 connecting to a 2216. When the LCS driver comes up, it says "Device or Resource Busy", but the device address that is being used is the same that OS/390 uses in the same LPAR. (Yes I know we should be using our own partition but the OS/390 partition is not production and other production OSes are on the box that we don't want to shut down) On a whim, I modprobed ctc and escon0 came up using device address 0x310. Since the 2216 is connected through an ESCON channel this seems appropriate, but assigning an IP using ifconfig returned an error close to "The device on the other end is not active". In the OS390 configuration for TCPIP, I am told that there is a "start" for the 2216. Is there some equivalent command I can use in linux? Am I going about this the right way in general? lpar.prm below-------------------------------------------------------- root=/dev/rpm0 ip=off DASD=170-17f LCS=0x0310,1 host=lpar.caddo.us:eth0: NETWORK= RPMSERVER= MOUNTS=/dev/dasda1:/,/dev/dasdb1:/usr/share,/dev/dasdc1:/var/log,/dev/ dasdd1:/data,/dev/dasde1:/home SWAP=/dev/dasdc2