On Wed, May 09, 2001 at 08:22:47AM -0400, Philip J. Tully wrote: > Florian/Bernhard, > > Is there a way to restart the RHSETUP process without going from the > beginning? umount /mnt/dest umount /mnt/source The newest install things on the ftp server should already have that included, so you should be able to restart things immediately. Setting up a more complete param file should also help. Here is mine for an ctc-based machine: root=/dev/ram0 ro ip=off DASD=200-20f HOST=s390.redhat.de:ctc0: DNS= SEARCHDNS=redhat.de:redhat.com:devel.redhat.com RPMSERVER= MOUNTS=/dev/dasda1:/,/dev/dasdb1:/usr/share,/dev/dasdc1:/RHL INSTALL=all DTZ=CET ROOTPW=secret > > I have twice gone to the point where the RHSETUP is asking for a > password but it does not appear that ZILO is putting out an IPL record. > This last time my telnet session timed out before I got back to respond > to the password change prompt. The zilo run should have already happened so the only problem should be that the root password is not set. Instead of rerunning the installation, just boot kernel/initrd, mount the dasds and then enter a "chroot /mnt/dest" and restart "/sbin/zilo". > I have rerun it and the system is still up at the same address as > before. If you can look and tell me what can be done to complete this > process? :-) :-) Bero, can you please check? Thanks, Florian La Roche