Re: Segmentation fault during rpm upgrade/re-install

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On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 5:44 PM, gaurav salia <gauravsalia@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> I looked through the archives till Jan 2011 but could not find a thread
> similar to this issue, so I hope this is not a repost.
> System configuration: I am running 32-bit RHEL 6 basic server with
> rpm-4.8.0-27.el6.i686
> Rpm package: Let's call it myApp.rpm
> Before I go into the details, I am able to install/upgrade/erase myApp.rpm
> on RHEL 5 without any problems. This has been working for more than a year.
> I had to move to RHEL 6 because myApp now requires a glibc version which is
> newer than the one on RHEL 5.
> The Problem: After I install myApp.rpm and start the application, I am not
> able to upgrade or re-install myApp.rpm. I have been using -vv option and
> the output looks like:
> Success case: Fresh install
> D:         60 /usr/libexec/hostd/
> D:         61 /usr/sbin/
> D:         62 /vmfs/devices/char/vmkdriver/
> D:         63 /vmfs/volumes/sdrsLoadDef/
> D: ==========
> D: fini      120777  1 (   0,   0)        15 /bin/python;506a01b8
> D: fini      100555  1 (   0,   0)   1093280 /bin/rhttpproxy;506a01b8
> D: fini      100500  1 (   0,   0)      4891 /etc/init.d/mgmt-vmware;506a01
> Failure case: Upgrade/re-install after running the application
> D:         60 /usr/libexec/hostd/
> D:         61 /usr/sbin/
> D:         62 /vmfs/devices/char/vmkdriver/
> D:         63 /vmfs/volumes/sdrsLoadDef/
> D: ==========
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)    <----------------------------------
> Failure
> I tried a lot of different scenarios and below is the list of what works:
> 1. Fresh install works fine - rpm -ivvf
> 2. Delete works fine - rpm -evv
> 3. Re-insall after deleting rpm in step (2) works fine as long as myApp was
> not started after installation: rpm -ivvf
> 4. Upgrade after step (1) works fine  as long as myApp was not started after
> installation: rpm -Uvvf
> Scenarios that don't work:
> 5. Upgrade after step (1) after starting myApp: rpm -Uvvf
> 6. Re-insall after deleting rpm in step (2) after starting myApp: rpm -ivvf
> 7. I see the crash even if stop myApp and then do upgrade/re-install
> So basically after the app is started, I can only do erase. Upgrade or
> re-install fails with Seg fault. The crash is after rpm has done processing
> ''Directories not explicitly included in package:'' I can upload the
> complete output of -vv for success(install, upgrade, erase) and
> failure(upgrade, re-install).
> Any help about how to find the root cause of the crash would be highly
> appreciated!

So it sounds like the app basically blows up if you move its binary.
I'd imagine this is because the rpm scriplet doesn't handle this by
stopping or starting things properly.  Since it blows up even if you
stop the application yourself, it could be that it is trying to do
something in the scriptlets and steps on its own toes?

I'd check the scriptlets.

rpm -q --scripts myApp.rpm
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