On Jan 12, 2007, at 1:49 PM, Debbie Mazurek wrote:
Thanks, that solved it.
Note that adding
%_use_internal_dependency_generator 0
also has consequences for the *.rpm packages that you are producing.
Specifically, dependencies are not attached to files to be displayed
as, say,
rpm -qp --filerequire foo*.rpm
and ELF32ELF64 colors are not computed.
You need ELF32/ELF64 colors if installing on multilib machines, and
--filerequire (and --fileclass) are both useful for tracking down which
file is causing a dependency to be added to a package.
If you aren't installing on multilib, don't worry too much. The above
are nice-to-have, not essential.
73 de Jeff
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