Bob Proulx wrote:
Douglas Phillipson wrote:
Bob Proulx wrote:
cp my_special_etc_file $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/
cp my_special_bin_file $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/
Ah! You put the copy command in the spec file?? I was copying the file
to the RPM_BUILD_ROOT before the rpmbuild command.
Yes. Because typically there is another command in there that I left
out in my haste.
That makes sure there are no files left over from a previous build.
An important point about packaging is that it is designed that the
builds are repeatable. So things try to be self-contained to avoid
unrecorded external events from affecting the result.
That worked fine, thanks!
Glad things are working for you.
One last question. The ExclusiveArch directive doesn't seem to work.
I'm wanting "arm" I also tried "%_target_cpu: arm" to no avail. What
is the correct directive for "arm"?
Doug P
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