On Jun 21, 2005, at 4:53 PM, Dan Trainor wrote:
I was wondering if RPM had a built-in "die" function, so that if I was
looking for some install prerequisites in %pre or some such, and if
were not met, the RPM install would bail out with an error of my
so that the install would not continue.
If your prerequisites are other RPMS then you can use the Requires:
tag; RPM won't continue unless the RPM dependencies are satisfied.
If your prerequisites are files not under RPM control then I'd
experiment with exit codes in %pre (I didn't RTFM so I don't know if
there's a %die or %exit macro).
Summary: Pepper Pad utilities
Name: pepperpad-utils
Version: 1.0
Release: 33.pepper
URL: http://www.pepper.com/
Source0: %{name}-%{version}-%{release}.tgz
License: Pepper Computer, Inc.
Group: Base
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root
Vendor: Pepper Computer, Inc.
Packager: Pepper Computer, Inc.
Requires: kernel >= 2.4.20-5.pepper
Obsoletes: peppertime
Obsoletes: peppertv