On 6/9/05, tfsj.92 <tfsj.92@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > hi, > > I would like to know how can I do, to see the list of options that have been enabled within the RPM file. > > for example when you install something with source or tarball you have to put some option when you execute the ./configure script : > > --prefix=/usr/local .... --with .... --enable ..... --without .... > > I would like to know, which of theses options have been activated in the RPM ?? I have tried many command but I didn't get the info I need. > AFAIK, there is no way presently to do this other than looking at the spec file. Even then spec files can change behaviours base on build server environment, and inputs to rpmbuild. What you are asking for is at least on the surface very reasonable, but presently rpm does not provided that sort of meta data in its headers, and I am not sure what would be a reasonable way for it to do this. Mainly because of what happens with configure in a spec file is going to happen in one of the opaque build scriptlets (opaque to rpm), such that there would have to be some way to tell rpm what options you used. If everyone used the %configure macro it might be possible to get the information there, but every one does not, and %configure carries lots of bagage with it (i.e. lots of different options are set) that you may or may not want in your spec file (typically do, but not always). So the short answer is, no there is no way to get this information, but the long answer distills down to there is no way to accomplish this with the current rpm build paradigm. Someone correct me if I am wrong...james >