On Tue, 2005-05-31 at 15:45 -0600, Jim Pelton wrote: > Hello List! > > Is there some good documentation around that explains how up2date uses > the python bindings to rpmlib? Specifically I would like to know when > up2date updates the rpm database. I'm looking through the up2date > python code right now, but being new to python and rpm and C I'm > learning as I go! I have a million questions, for example: What exactly > is an rpm transaction? Is this the event which installs the new > package, removes the old, and updates the rpm db? Is there anyplace > which has this documentation? > > Thanks for the help! I'm certainly lost here! Start here: http://people.redhat.com/pnasrat/rpm-python/rpm-python-slides/frames.html Then as seth mentioned asking specifics will get you much further. Paul