Re: Dependencies

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On Nov 28, at 15:33, 'Matthew Miller' wrote:
>On Sun, Nov 28, 2004 at 03:43:08PM +0100, Marco Welter wrote:
>> but the rpmbuild - command give me also these dependencies:
>> perl(SL::Form) perl(SL::Inifile) perl(SL::Mailer) perl(SL::Num2text)
>Yep; that's magically generated from "use" statements in perl scripts found
>somewhere in your resulting package.
>> Must I create 4 perl RPM Files ? Can I say the rpmbuild command, that
>> this are no dependencies ?

Check out the 'Provides: ...' line too, I'm quite sure they will appear 
there too. Now what you'll have to decide is: do you want this internal(?) 
modules to be visible (at RPM DB dependency level) for others to count on 
(remember the discussion in the past "apparent circular dependency" 
thread regarding "a rpm requiring and providing the very same..."?) ;-)

If the answer is No, then ...
>You can filter them out.

... but in order to be complete you'll have to root them out both from 
"Provides" and "Requires". As you've been already guided, you could peek 
into some specs that already to this (though IMHO RedHat/Fedora is very 
"creepy" at everything related to Perl - both from administrator's and 
developer's point of view - but anyway, this is just _my_ opinion).
The other solution is to disable this auto-magic-req/prov list generation 
by issuing: "AutoReqProv: 0" - OFC, now _you_ will have to declare 
everything you wanna provide/require in your spec by hand.

(IIRC once upon a time there were also two more statements: "AutoReq" and 
"AutoProv" which could be used to disable requirements and providings 
separately, but I really have no idea if they are still available nowadays 
so please correct me if I'm wrong).

>Also -- the perl-DBD, etc., dependencies are probably also being
>automatically found, so you don't need to specify those manually.

Yet another personal opinion: NEVER use package names when declaring 
(external) perl related requirements!
E.g., instead using "Requires: perl-DBI" use "Requires: perl(DBI)".
Why? (I'm using RH distros since ages and been packaging for at least 
7 years) They have changed and changed and changed names/bundles/etc in so 
many ways that I cannot even remember them all. So, if today they to 
include a package named "perl-DBI", what will happen if someday they will 
call it "libperldbi" or smth? :)
(Don't tell me about hooking a "Provides: perl-DBI", we all know that) :)

>Also, #2: instead of requiring "httpd", you could require "webserver", a
>generic virtual dependency provided by the httpd package and theoretically
>by any replacement httpd which may also work with your program.

Very good notice. But - anticipating a little, based on your mention on 
some files in apache's conf.d or something - should we suppose you're 
packaging some mod_perl based software? If so, please assure yourself those 
magically generated requirements will include at least some particular 
modules from mod_perl (1 vs. 2 etc) and, if not, include them yourself 
(maybe even adding some Conflicts, version based conditions etc).

best regards.
- -- 
marius feraru                       
"It isn't easy being the parent of a two-years-old. However,
it's a pretty small price to pay for having somebody around
the house who understands computers."


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