I have been using Redhat 9 steadily for some time now.
Now that it has lost all its support, with the complete close of the
legacy effort, it would seem that moving to another distribution might
eventually be needed.
I used Shrike as both a local development web page server and as a desktop
with browser clients. I'd like to use it for much more, but I'm stuck
with WordPerfect and FrontPage on my windows unit.
I use Apache and Tux to serve local copies of multiple domains.
Entering my domain url's without the www gets the local copy, with the www
gets the internet copy. It works seamlessly.
I'd like to get some recomendations for what distribution to consider for
my next Linux, hopefully with a minimum of trouble.
Unfortunately, many of the people in a position to provide a
recommendation have probably dropped this list, but I'll ask anyway.
I've noted one person suggested Scientific Linux 3 <url:
https://www.scientificlinux.org/ > as being most like Redhat 9.
What distribution would you dedicated redhat 9 users recommend for my next
installation (and why)?
Ralph E. Kenyon, Jr.
191 White Oaks Road
Williamstown, MA 01267-2259
Phone: 413-458-3597
Home pages:
FIGHT SPAM http://www.xenodochy.org/diogenes/antispam.html
(If you are thinking about collecting my email address, read the above
page first!)
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