On Mon, 30 Oct 2006 12:56:28 -0500, Brian Scudder
<brian.scudder@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Yes, I'm still here!
Before I turn off my old ISP and go to my new email
(and not bother to change my email on this list) I have
a question.
I have just installed DSL internet. My RH9 box does not see
the internet. My windows box does and is working fine.
Before the DSL - both boxes connected via dialup, and
were networked though a Dlink DI-524 router. Samba
was working fine as well as the Apache webserver on
the RH9. Using the instructions provided by Dlink:
I set the DSL modem in a bridged mode and configured
the router to provide the PPPoE and DHCP functionality
The windows box started working.
The router does assign RH9 an IP address and I can
ping the router and windows from RH9. Likewise I can
ping RH9 from windows. Windows cannot connect to my
webserver running on the RH9 box.
I'd like to get my linux box connected to the internet as
well re-establish the samba networking between them.
Any suggestions?
I had a similar problem. I was using Windows in internet sharing mode
with my Linux machine going to the windows machine for it's access to the
internet. The fix was to change the gateway and the primary and secondary
DNS values on the Linux machine. Previously the gateway was the linux
machine. Now it's the router address. My LAN uses fixed IP addressses, so
I had to put the values from the info provided by the router.
Hope this helps.
Ralph E. Kenyon, Jr.
191 White Oaks Road
Williamstown, MA 01267-2259
Phone: 413-458-3597
Home pages:
FIGHT SPAM http://www.xenodochy.org/diogenes/antispam.html
(If you are thinking about collecting my email address, read the above
page first!)
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