Pavel Rozenboim <pavelr@xxxxxxxxxxx> con fecha 22/07/2003 08:07:50 p.m. Por favor, responda a shrike-list@xxxxxxxxxx Enviado por: shrike-list-admin@xxxxxxxxxx Destinatarios: shrike-list@xxxxxxxxxx CC: Asunto: RE: GTKAM + Sony Cybershot DSC-U20 Hi: FYI, I'm working on it from yesterday. My idea is to capture the assigned /dev/sdxx where any usb-mass-storage is assigned. Currently I know how define new devices for /etc/hotplug/usb.agent detection and module loading, but it's difficult to know if in /proc exists any info suitable to give info about usb-mass-storge and the /dev/sdxx assigned :/. I hope to say something more soon regards >your camera is one of them. The only thing that can be done better is to >make magicdev to mount camera automatically when you connect it, but I don't >know how to do this. -- Shrike-list mailing list Shrike-list@xxxxxxxxxx