kernel-2.6 (was RE: kernel-2.4.20-13.9 Breaks Soundblaster Audigy)

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On Thu, 22 May 2003, Atul Chitnis wrote:

> IAC, its not like the machine is unusable (I don't move windows for a
> living ;), it's just disconcerting, and so far it seems to be just me
> facing this (which is a lousy sample size). I am sure you guys will
> stumble across something over time that will make my day. 

That, I think, would be *today* ;-)

Just installed Arjan's kernel RPM, with support files. Broke all my USB 
and no one warned me about RPM needing "LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5", ACPI 
practically screamed for "acpi=off" in grub, but...

*HEY!* - this machine just took off like a rocket! :-)

Everything is smooth, wriggle test won't give Xmms a hard time (no skips), 
KDE actually *responds*, someone gave my mouse a booster shot, etc.

Couple of nasties, but as a proof of concept for me, this one was 
Christmas come early. ;-)

OK, here is the list of things that give me grief for now (no thanks to
someone updating everyting to -25 from -24 while I was just downloading
the last byte of -24 ;) :

- ACPI doesn't work (Thinkpad T30), which does not surprise me (fixed with 
  "acpi=off" in grub.conf - allowing apm to take over again). Not a show 

- USB - modules not found. Shall investigate. Apparently something is in 
  the kernel though, since plugging in my Palm Zire 71 results in the 
  correct module being loaded, but hotplug complains bitterly

Jul 16 16:46:45 wookie kernel: usb 2-2: Handspring Visor / Treo / Palm 4.0 / Clié 4.x converter now attached to ttyUSB2 (or usb/tts/2 for devfs)
Jul 16 16:46:45 wookie kernel: usb 2-2: Handspring Visor / Treo / Palm 4.0 / Clié 4.x converter now attached to ttyUSB3 (or usb/tts/3 for devfs)
Jul 16 16:46:45 wookie /sbin/hotplug: no runnable /etc/hotplug/tty.agent is installed
Jul 16 16:46:45 wookie /sbin/hotplug: no runnable /etc/hotplug/usb-serial.agent is installed

  Net result - no USB for now. Life as I knew it just came to an end. 
  Definite showstopper (for me)

- Winmodem - doesn't work/compile. Not surprised. Showstopper, but hey, 
  them's da breaks.... so let's try PCMCIA

- PCMCIA - my Cardbus realport brought the house down. 

Jul 16 17:31:56 wookie kernel: Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address d0984fe0

  First time I have been able to trap something like this in syslog :)
  Showstopper - I dont seem to have PCMCIA anymore, but hey, that's what 
  cable and DSL are for. IAC e100 ethernet is working - life goes on...

  Restarting PCMCIA services reported

Jul 16 18:00:22 wookie cardmgr[6221]: starting, version is 3.1.31
Jul 16 18:00:22 wookie cardmgr[6221]: watching 2 sockets
Jul 16 18:00:22 wookie cardmgr[6221]: Card Services release does not match

- rpm - upgraded to rpm 4.2.1 as advised here:

  doesn't solve the problem - still have to use LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5
  Not a showstopper, for now /etc/bashrc has

  alias rpm='LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 rpm'
  alias rpmbuild='LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 rpmbuild'

- floppy.ko - how does one tell the kernel that my machine is a Steve Jobs 
  worshipper (even though it is an IBM Thinkpad) and doesn't have a floppy 

Jul 16 17:56:07 wookie kernel: floppy0: Unable to grab IRQ6 for the floppy driver
Jul 16 17:56:07 wookie modprobe: FATAL: Error inserting floppy (/lib/modules/2.6.0-0.test1.1.25/kernel/drivers/block/floppy.ko): Device or resource busy

Overall, not bad at all ;-)

I guess it is safe to say that we aren't quite at production quality yet. 
But it has been fun. I dread booting back into 2.4 now!


Atul Chitnis       | achitnis@xxxxxxxxxxx
Exocore Consulting |
Bangalore, India   | +91 (80) 344-0397

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