Bill Gradwohl dijo: > If you look at Linux outside the US, I'd say there is no turning back for those IT departments regardless of what US courts may decide. Wrong. The empire long time ago settled the copyright laws on almost every conutry. If they win in the US. It is a matter of time, when they will start new trails around the world. This really matters. > Should SCO get its way in US courts, which I doubt, it would balkanize the worlds IT departments against the US and Microsoft. No. Lets talk better about US goverment and not US. US include great people not involved into this kind of nasty moves. In US are many people working in many OSS projects. > A SCO/Microsoft > win here could cost them dearly in the rest of the world. Trying to kill Linux using the courts isn't going to work. The Desktop War II is near to start, Read this nice article: Antonio Gallardo