This one time, at band camp, awesome-dave1@xxxxxxxx wrote: > Hello, > While atempting to remove an rpm from my system with the -e option i > have somehow corrupted my rpm database. When i now do an rpm -q to query > a package, rpm just hangs. Urgent help needed! The last time i had this > happen the problem was not fixable, i hope this is not the case now. cd /var/lib/rpm rm __db.* -rf rpm --rebuilddb Kind regards Kevin -- ______ (_____ \ _____) ) ____ ____ ____ ____ | ____/ / _ ) / _ | / ___) / _ ) | | ( (/ / ( ( | |( (___ ( (/ / |_| \____) \_||_| \____) \____) Kevin Waterson Port Macquarie, Australia