days of configuration for a router and samba fileserver the machine locks up.
I hope somebody knows something here, I've built this box twice already for a client and am still having problems...
The story...
We had to do a hard reset to get the machine back up and now it won't go beyond this in the bootup procedure:
mounting proc /etc/rc.sysinit:line 90: 39 segmentation fault LC_ALL = C grep -
q /initrd /proc/mount
Going into rescue, fschk shows no worries, but chroot'ing renders most command
utils useless as they all segfault.
The machine was booted and rebooted many times during configuration and ran for about six days before dying.
It's an ext3 filesystem with a minimal install, just enough to get samba and ipchains working.
I had a similar problem with an older AMD k6 box several weeks ago, using the
same RH9 media. The HD went bad in it, so I installed a new 40G HD in the old
box. It also ran a week or so and died with similar bootup/segfault
problems. At the time, we assumed it must be a problem with the old bios of
the pre LBA motherboard, so we just bought a whole new box (and new HD) to
replace it and now are having the same problem with the new box.
----------------- s i l i c o n s y s . c o m ----- damonp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx web app development ----- s i l i c o n s y s . c o m -----------------
----------------- s i l i c o n s y s . c o m ----- damonp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx web app development ----- s i l i c o n s y s . c o m -----------------