In other words, what happened? Are the processed in Zombie or Deferred state? Can you provide a 'ps' list? Because, if you see the processes in ps list it's not dead! Does named restart report "failed" on starting? Or does it work and you just can't reach it? How did you come to the conclusion that it's dead?
Can you do a netstat -tuan and see if named is listening on port 53? Is there anything in the log files? If so, can we see it? If you do nslookup on the box, set "server" and do a lookup, what's the message you get? Can we see your /etc/named.conf?
With this little information no-one can really help you I think....
BTW, bind does run without any problem on my RH9 box.
Paul Dorneanu wrote:
why is bind dying on RH9?
actually I can see the processes but not responding
more than that, service named restart doesn't work (when it has died)
I have to kill all process and start it again.
That is happening on a couple of RH9 systems
anyideea? should I try the latest rawhide version?....