>> So, to clarify: noatun on your setup can play OGG files and video of some sort? <<
Yes, I could have been more clear.
I have xmms doing ogg and mp3 I have xine doing ogg and mp3 (files and streams) and mpg (video files) I have noatun doing ogg only (but I like the sound quality)
>> The issues I was dealing with had nothing to do with not-quite-open-source. ... <<
I wish you were right. But, it appears that some open source applications are not included with RH9 because there is some patented technology involved. I do not work for Redhat. I may not have the correct wording for this.
>> There is no sign of the Xine stuff <<
Nor with my RH9. I got xine from freshrpms.net. I spent a few minutes getting the dependencies worked out. I can provide an RPM list and install script if you need it.
>> KDE on my setup cannot play OGG ... <<
Puzzling, at a minimum noatun and kaboodle should play ogg files out of konqueror. BTW, what does work?
>> or am I missing a couple of pieces? <<
I was, but it wasn't hard to fix.<g>
Cliff Kent