1. I must say, I haven't seen anything like latest Ximian Red Carpet 2 Preview 2. Package management at its best. I just upgraded/installed a bunch of RPMS from freshrpms, and it was a breeze. Anyone interested in downloading this, please say so, and I can put packages on the Internet. 2. Fortune. Where are fortune cookies in Shrike? My Wanda just states: Red Hat Linux release 9 (Shrike) Linux 2.4.20-9 09:38:26 up 1:35, 3 users, load average: 1.32, 1.58, 2.00 You get the point. 3. Who said that Shrike is multimedia unfriendly? I got it to the point that it has more multimedia features than my other OS, DOS XP. In fact, latest xine-libs gave preview slides of movie files in Nautilus! 4. Enough compliments, here's one serious problem. I have a problem with the character encoding and parsing through mounted NTFS partitions. Updatedb, or search feature from nc, when they, or system rather, start to parse through Windows files, Shrike freezes soon after. This is a definite bug, also existed in Psyche. I think that it's related to system character handling. I kept default UTF-8, and not willing to change that. Comments?