Make sure that the Options line isn't within some kind of IfModule block that makes it so that it's not read. Also, it needs to be part of your Directory directive.
Michael Smith wrote:
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks shows up and isn't commented out...
On Fri, 2003-05-02 at 10:19, Joseph Tate wrote:
Make sure you have "DirectoryIndex index.html index.php" in your httpd.conf file.
Also if you want to show directory listings, you need to add Options Indexes to the directory.
Michael Smith wrote:
And before you ask, yes my permissions are set correctly.
What happens is when you go to like:
http://localhost/ it gives you a 403/Forbidden page... (or any directory for that matter) but if you give the index.html or index.php it gives you the correct output... any ideas?