--- "Bill Rugolsky Jr." <brugolsky@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Which makes this whole *early-access* exercise > silly. I'm getting > 120kB/s from BitTorrent, which is about 12x what I > am getting from RHN. > > It is discouraging that despite purchasing RHN > subscriptions for my > various and sundry machines, I have little use for > it. (I don't even > bother registering most of them.) Instead, I use > BitTorrent or rsync > for downloads, and APT for package management. > (Thanks Matthias!) > > The Red Hat Network technology is unfortunately > hobbled by the > business model. I don't really fault Red Hat; free > riding has no > easy solution. :-/ > What is also interesting is that I have seen reports that apparently RH9 is already on the shelves in some stores, notably CompUSA. I thought the boxed sets weren't supposed to be available until next Monday? Charles __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Platinum - Watch CBS' NCAA March Madness, live on your desktop! http://platinum.yahoo.com