On Thursday 26 June 2003 00:18, Joseph A Nagy Jr wrote:
Foam clue bat's rarely work. Of course if the clue-by-four doesn't work, there is always the LARTsaber. ;)
OK, excuse the feeble old brain here but I'm drawing a blank; What is a LARTsaber ??
LARTsaber aka LART aka Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool
Don't you read ESR's Jargon File[0]? I don't exactly use it in the proper sense, but I imagine one could imagine it as a wooden saber. ;)
[0]: http://www.catb.org/~esr/jargon/html/L/LART.html
Wielder of the mighty +1 LARTsaber of Unsubscribe Instructions At End of Message, the +3 Clue-by-Four of No Attachments to a Mailing List,
and the -4 Shield of No Spell Checker