Friday 04 July 2003 10:53, Jean Francois Ortolo:
Hi all I've just installed Shrike on my computer, it works great, the only thing I see, is it doesn't accept user names with a dot in it.
From verison 9 it does nol allow dot in username. I do not understandwhy. Do someone knows ?
Anyway, you still can manually add user without dot, and later change passwd and shadow file by hand (as i did). It will work.
Hi Sir
I did that. Further I did change the /etc/group file accordingly, such there is no problem with the account group.
Pine works very well now, I only suffer from the well known problem with accentuated characters, such as e acute or e grave and so on, which don't appear in vi, though I can manually write some of these characters on the screen. I'm in text mode, level 2.
I'm french, my LANG variable is equal to: fr_FR.UTF_8
I set up the LC_ALL env variable equal to : C , such that the sort command could suitably sort some of my files.
I suspect there is a need to set the TERM variable, although I don't know the value.
I'll take a look at the mailinglist archives as soon as I have time.
Many thanks.
Best regards.
Jean Francois Ortolo