Jarod C. Wilson alleged:I'm interpreting what Joe said the same way Res did, and Joe, I think you're wrong about this one. It is plenty easy to setup a mail relay running sendmail, doing site-wide spam filtering, without creating local unix accounts for every user. You just use the virtusertable and aliases instead of creating users, and set up a global .procmailrc file that calls spam assassin.
Just curious, what did you modify to get sendmail to run procmail on a non-local delivery?
Well, after actually looking at it a bit further, it would appear I over-simplified the issue, but nonetheless, it shouldn't be a problem. Some editing of your .mc file and the mailertable are also necessary.
A point in the right direction is here:
<http://groups.google.com/ groups?oi=djq&as_umsgid=%3C8fi50l%24jqe%241%40news.du.uab.ericsson.se%3E >
and here (the thread leading up to the previous link): <http://www.softpanorama.org/Mail/procmail_from_sendmail.shtml>
I know the hoops we had to jump thru, I'd be curious to hear how you did it -
Well, I have to admit sheepishly that I haven't actually done it. We currently do our spam filtering on the actual mail server, not the relays (we don't have that much volume). But according to the links above, it is possible, and people have done it.
Bonus question: How to get sendmail to recognize regexps in the access db?
Gonna have to pass on the bonus question, at least for now. I need some sleep, sendmail isn't really my forte, and I don't have a clue off the top of my head... Sometimes, I think I should heed my own quote below... :)
Jarod C. Wilson, RHCE
"A wise man once said nothing at all."