On Mon, 2003-04-28 at 02:25, Klaasjan Brand wrote: > On Mon, 2003-04-28 at 00:05, John Zimmerman wrote: > > > // personal comment follows > > > The rhnsd runs as root, basically that means Redhat have root-access > > > to my system... Luckily they're not M$... And logged into the > > > redhat-network on the web I can trigger software installs/uninstalls > > > on my system... > > > Very nice, well, trust RH 100%, or keep ur system up to date > > > manually... > > > > RHN provides some nice features if you need to use them. But most > > people don't need them. Use apt-get/synaptic and have no worries. > > Use apt-get and let someone else have root access on your machine. You > are aware that every rpm you install can contain scripts which run as > root? It's just a question of who you trust more, Red Hat or the > freshrpms (+ every other apt source you specify) people... > (I left the above quotes in order to keep context) I understand exactly what you are trying to explain and even agree with you. I also think this response has a good chance of being misinterprited. So ... Just for the record I believe that both Red Hat and Matthias Saou's Freshrpm apt repositories are both trustworthy. I use apt for freshrpm packages and I use rhn for my standard Red Hat packages. Scott