Okay, I solved my OpenOffice.org issue by downloading the latest amnd installing it. Works great and has some nice new features, like write to .pdf without the postscript, etc. I am still concerned over my console. I have found that I can still do most stuff from the bash command line anyway, but not everything. For instance, in the old console I could run /sbin/ifup as a user, but bash tells me that only user can do it. When I first upgraded I had not trouble doing it, but second log in and since I have had this issue. I miss my old console. Also, continuation of an issue I had with Psyche. I have downloaded and installed the latest jre from sun, but openoffice.org didn't recognize it on install. If I try to install it again, rpm tells me that it is installed already. Dunno if this is an OOo issue or OS issue. tony http://www.School-Library.net Freedom to Learn! -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- GED$/L/P/FA d? s: a C++ L++ W++ N++ K- w--- M+ PS++ PE-- Y+ PGP- t+ tv-- b++(b++++) D? G e++++ h++ r--- y? ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ _____________________________________________________________ School-Library.net Freedom to Learn! _____________________________________________________________ Select your own custom email address for FREE! Get you@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx w/No Ads, 6MB, POP & more! http://www.everyone.net/selectmail?campaign=tag