rmy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Michael Schwendt wrote:
On Sun, 20 Apr 2003 02:52:24 +0200, Mikael Hultgren wrote:
Does redhat 9 support setting upp a encrypted loopback filesystem.
It seems the kernel is patched for supporting it, but when trying the following command
losetup -e AES /dev/loop0 /home/child/.crypto
it gives me Unsupported encryption type AES
And if it doesnt, what do i need to do to make it happen ?
Previously one had to patch and rebuild the util-linux src.rpm. It might still be necessary to do that so losetup learns about AES.
That still seems to be the case. This bug has been closed and deferred:
It seems Red Hat are waiting for the util-linux maintainer to do the work for them. I don't think it makes sense to patch the kernel with support for facilities without also providing the tools to make use of them, but maybe it does to Red Hat.
The bug report includes links to the necessary patches.
Thanks for the help, all of you, i patched the util-linux and now all is working fine.
And i agree, it seems kinda backward to patch the kernel but not the userland programs to actually use the crypto.
Take it easy, Mikael
Actually i have another question, i managed to set up a crypted loopback filesystem, but everytime i mount it i need to manually modprobe cipher-aes and cryptoloop, which gets kinda tedious afterawhile.
So is there anyway to make those modules autoload whenever i want to mount the filesystem, im guessing there is something that needs to be added to modules.conf, but im not sure what, and i couldnt find any obvious answers in the Loopback-Encrypted-Filesystem-HOWTO either.
So does anyone know ?
Take it easy, Mikael
-- A pat on the back is only a few centimeters from a kick in the pants.
-- You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one. --John Lennon, "Imagine"