Agon S. Buchholz wrote:Is there any way to _safely_ update a Software RAID system, or do I have
to stick with Phoebe forever?
You might try booting up off the Phoebe CD using 'linux rescue' and try running fsck (and force it to scan the drive(s)) on your RAID array. Could be something slightly out of whack that it might fix. Or, if it is some bug specific to Phoebe, you might try the same using an RHL9 CD.
Another possible route: if your software RAID is data-only, you could comment it out in fstab & raidtab, then start the upgrade. Don't do anything with the software RAID until after the update, then manually bring it up and re-add it to fstab.
If all else fails, one more thing you could try is the old 'switch-your-release-info-file-and-upgrade-using-rhn' method...
I upgraded my SW RAID system just fine. I have several raid devices. All
are RAID-0, except /boot which must me RAID-1.
I also upgraded just fine, with several RAID devices in my system, including two that are RAID-5. All data still intact.
That system started as RHL-7.3, went through the betas before RHL-8.0,
then RHL-8.0. It had many custom versions, like Mozilla, the kernel, and
XF86-4.3. No problems with the upgrade.
Same here. No problem upgrading from 8.0.94 to 9, or any of the previous upgrades.
As always, remember that upgrading from a beta to a release version is completely unsupported (though doable), so Red Hat may not care so much whether a bugzilla report is submitted or not...
Jarod C. Wilson, RHCE
"A wise man once said nothing at all."