Official XFree86 sources use /etc/X11/xkb as a directory and /usr/X11R6/lib/xkb links to that directory. Red Hat does this totally backwards, they make /usr/X11R6/lib/xkb the directory and /usr/X11/xkb links to it, so the RPM barfs and the hour of installation is wasted because Anaconda goes tits up because it can't deal with it.
Make the RPM scripts able to handle this situation, I KNOW I'm not the only one that sometimes updates XFree from source!
Make Anaconda able to handle these types of situations gracefully, and either give the user a chance to fix the problem manually (given a chroot and some suggestions most users could at least try to figure it out.. I could have fixed it in 30s and continued). No, Anaconda says "Oh, I couldn't do some meanial thing.. Press OK to reboot."
Don't tell me Red Hat doesn't support source installed things, that's a bunch of crap because IT HAPPENS. I KNOW they can't possibly work around situations, but praytell why are these dir/links *backwards* in the first damn place? That's the root of the problem.
I'll be looking for a bugzilla on this one, again.. Filed one last time too.
There's 1+ hours wasted.
-- Walter Francis Powered by Red Hat Linux 7.3