David Krider wrote:
Keith Packard is quoted as saying that "RH" and Debian were looking for changes in XFree86 that apparently weren't happening. Will this move benefit Red Hat? Are you all in favor of having, now, 2 implementations of X to choose from? (Ala KDE/Gnome, Vim/Emacs, OpenOffice/KOffice/Gnome Office, Sun/Blackdown, Mozilla/Konqueror et cetera ad nauseum. I know I'm leaving off a bunch.) I guess open source development does what it must; sort of a "survival of the fittest," if you will. But it seems to me that the Linux community -- as a whole -- duplicates an awful lot of effort.
IU'm guessing the best way to get Mike's take is read waht he has said: http://fontconfig.org/~keithp/teleconference/
He attended all 3 currently listed. Not sure if he attended as "Red Hat XFree86 Maintainer" or "XFree86 Developer" trhough. After I read the transcripts I may know.