I'm considering setting up a wireless access point for my laptop. I'm wondering if RH9.0 supports it. Specifically, I'm looking at the Linksys WAP55AG & WPC55AG.
Your laptop does not have to support the access point as long as the AP speaks standard 802.11b. It _does_ have to support the wireless network card you use inside your laptop.
My only experience has been with cards that use the Lucent Orinoco chipset (see http://www.orinocowireless.com if I remember correctly). I have a bunch of "Orinoco Gold" cards that work beautifully with RH8. Note the Gold has 128-bit encryption and the Silver has (yuck) 40-bit encryption. I'm also using a Linksys WAP-11 Access Point, and all of the above work fine.
-- Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx