hello. I've recompiled postfix and cyrus-sasl (both with mysql support).
I've noticed that postfix is compiled against sasl too, even has patch for sasl2.
good, nice.
I need SMTP AUTH with auth from a db (pwcheck_method: auxprop).
the problem is that the smtpd.conf is in /usr/lib/sasl/ (that is SASL v.1 directory)
and not in /usr/lib/sasl2/ (which that is compiled against mysql...)
now... what I am supposed to do to make postfix use /usr/lib/sasl2/smtpd.conf. or what options I have. I guess cyrus-sasl v.1 is kept for very good reasons.
the error I get is:
postfix/smtpd[20862]: warning: SASL authentication problem: unrecognized plaintext verifier auxprop
(btw: I am using cyrus-imapd and works).