I'm not able to mount CDs in my Asus DVD drive suddenly. Looks like a kernel problem. This is for a drive that worked fine in RH 8 with DMA turned on. Anyone else having this?
Bob Cochran Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
In my situatiion, /dev/scd1 was used to access my slave unit on my IDE controller card. /dev/scd0 was used for my master unit. I has a problem where the device entries were incorrectly identified and had a link to /dev/hdd for my secondary unit. It would not mount either.
I was constantly running ls -l /dev/cdrom* to check my device symlinks. They changed periodically.
I've had luck accessing these devices with the /dev/scdx drivers, for both units. The /dev/hdc mount worked for my reader. In later kernel versions, they seem to be identified as /dev/scdx consistently.
I don't have a dvd installed. But I imagine the problem is related to something along these lines.(wrong /etc/fstab entry or symlink to /dev/cdromx)
Jim C.
-- E = MC ** 2 +- 3db