David Krider wrote:
This whole business of the Gnome project employing a "registry" is really bothersome to me. Who among us -- indeed, who among Gnome developers -- likes to go in and hack on a Windows registry? Microsoft even has a pretty decent editor for it. It's just that the concept leads one to having a whole bunch of interconnected-yet-disparate settings that become hard to find. Maybe I'm tilting at windmills. I hope someone will say that the Gnome registry is (and will *always* be) different. I say that one of the strengths of KDE is the ability to customize it and lock it down through flat text files. With the press that's been generated about how Sun is going to be using Gnome as their desktop environment, I would think that that sort of customizability and security are available even so, but I somehow doubt it. Can anyone speak to these concerns?
Gconf is text files. The heirchy is in the filesystem, and the keys are XLM entries. Look in /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/apps/panel/global/%gconf.xml with a text edit (beter if it/you understand XLM tags:)