GCC 3.2.2 or 3.2.1 and A few impressions of RH 9

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We know RH 9 has GCC 3.2.2 or do we? :)

According to the below link yes.


According to the two links below it has GCC 3.2.1.


Can someone at Red Hat nudge the webmaster to fix this please? As it's
been two days since my email to the webmaster and still no correction.


First installs of RH 9 have brought some weird stuff and some really
pleasant surprises, which I'll go through.

1. New darker colour scheme - Very nice! Makes it stronger looking
   and more robust than the lighter pastel crap in 8.0. :)

2. Custom install went as smooth as ever. Though had to un-check
   'reiserfs-utils' which was selected by default. Also 'lilo' seems to
   get installed whether you want it or not and I could not find a way
   to stop it during the package selection and was left to rpm -e it
   after the install was done.

   Mouse wheel working during the install now was nice.

3. Icons under Gnome for .c and .h files is not correct. This was
   also the case under 8.0, but messing with the file types dialog
   used to fix it. However, alas no luck under 9 and the icons are still
   the generic screwdriver one. :(

   One thing I did see if we now do have a file type .hpp, which was not
   in 8.0. :)

4. Grub screen layout seems to be a little off. Shadowman is being
   banged on the head by text. :) Though not running dual boot (never
   do) setting timeout=0 soon fixed having to look at that.

5. If you go to 'System Settings->Display' and do nothing. Then click
   on 'Ok' rather than 'Cancel' you get the changes have been backed
   up and will take effect yada yada. This needs to be slightly more
   intuitive to change and not do this, but other than that XFree in
   9 is fast and very stable!

6. If playing music with xmms and doing a CVS checkout or update. The
   music will pause for around a second as CVS prepares to complete some
   actions. I need to investigate this one though and check it's
   nothing todo with the CVS GUI front end I use. 

7. On same hardware 9 is far far faster with app execution and the whole
   interface is faster. Congrats, this is very nice to see!

All the above problems are minor, but take the polish off what is a
fantastic release. To date Red Hat 9 has given me lots of speed and ZERO

Good work and thanks too all at Red Hat, the OS is moving in the right
direction every release!




ICQ: 135463069
Email: philipwyett@xxxxxxxxxxxxx


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