Our site is a big fan of the PC Weasel (http://www.realweasel.com/) VGA-to-RS232 PCI card. Red Hat 8.0 and prior has worked well with this card. With Red Hat 9 I'm seeing a few problems. One is during text setup ("linux text") - even if text is specified Red Hat 9 is going into some kind of graphic mode, according to the Weasel. This makes it so the install can't be done via the Weasel, like it used to be able to do. Any tips on how to make it so setup is done using the same kind of text mode which was used in previous versions of Red Hat Linux? (I tried "linux text noprobe" too, but that didn't help.) Then after install is complete (I did it with a traditional VGA card), Red Hat 9 is not responding to keyboard input after it has fully booted. The BIOS can get characters fine prior to boot, the Grub boot loader can get them fine, it is just once the system is booted the characters are not received/processed from the Weasel. But the Weasel still responds to ^6 (the escape char) as normal. Also, using the Weasel "x" command to send a character doesn't make a difference. Has the handling of keyboard input somehow changed with Red Hat 9 from 8.0? Chris