David Krider wrote:
I just got a tip from a Gentoo-using buddy of mine to replace the actual print command that Mozilla uses to `qtcups'. That brings up a CUPS dialog box to do standard print-mangling things to your output, including choosing a non-default printer. Reading up just a bit on the subject, it would appear as though Mozilla wants the world to use "Xprint," but that looks like too big of a hairball for me.
Xprint needs a good config tool and more drivers. Currently It's great for postscript, then you use the normal LPD/CUPS drivers to convert it to the printer format.
It's the X11 equivalent of the M$ Windoze system, where you use the same code to print a you do to display. You just draw to an unseen display that does the conversion instead of every application have to reimplement the code, and often getting it wrong, so what you see on screen isn't what gets printed.
Once a config tool exists, Xprint will be nice. And it works with the print spooler/driver systems, not againgst them. It's also not a replacement.
Neither the standard Mozilla printing nor the `qtcups' Mozilla printing gives me sans-serif fonts on the output (which is what I want). (All serifed fonts ought to die, IMNTBHO.) Does anyone know how to modify Mozilla such that it will print output with sans fonts?
Do you have san-serif font in the page you are printing or are you trying to use font substitution to convert them?