Re: Digital output on LCD display

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I don't know a whole lot about radeon drivers, but here goes...

On Tue, 2003-11-18 at 08:34, Gary Cote wrote:
> So ... questions:
> . Do I need to do anything in particular to force
>   my video card into digital mode? For instance,
>   does it matter whether I plug both VGA and DVI
>   cables into the card? 

This depends on the video card.  If the driver doesn't specify, ie.
before X loads, you'll most likely get an image on both outputs, if you
have a monitor on both.  This is what happens with my nvidia.  To make
it as easy as possible for X, just plug in DVI XOR VGA.  Once the
driver/X loads, its up to it to decide what to do.

> . Are the xf86 server and radeon drivers that ship
>   with redhat 8.0 recent enough to support these 
>   monitors? I'm running a recent 2.4 kernel, so
>   presumably the driver is pretty up-to-date.

X doesn't need to know about a specific monitor.  Even if its not in X's
list of monitors, you can use any monitor so long as you know the specs
(vert/horiz frequency, etc) - just edit XF86Config by hand.  As far as
the radeon drivers go, what 2.4 kernel are you running?  I don't know
how significant the ati changes are between say, 2.4.20 and 2.4.22.  You
might also try ATI's drivers.

> . Anybody know a better forum to answer these sorts
>   of questions? What's the most likely component to
>   need tweaking here? The monitor itself? The video 
>   driver? The X server? 

Given that there have been two major releases of RedHat since psyche,
this list is a little quiet of late.  You could always try fedora
(ducking for cover :)  It seems to have quite an advanced XFree86.

> Thanks in advance.

Hope I was of some assistance :)
Iain Buchanan <iain@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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