You're not the only one, the man does not write standard English and does not yet know enough Linux jargon. I know why & how this happens but too complex too explain. It's all a case of getting to know you. INTO -> bootup and have it work. For the moment I still am stuck in windows. Gnome is default install, shows 5 icons in the bottom panel RH menu, mail, Office, .?... I cannot get to other packages like KDE, etc. Since these funny package labels don't show what they do, I want to look them all over and then decide which ones to use. Have a 5 gig Linux partition so can be a bit messy for starters. Need guis to start with. Adrian. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jesse Keating" <hosting@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> To: <psyche-list@xxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 3:25 AM Subject: Re: newbie > On Wednesday 25 June 2003 15:16, afme@xxxxxxxxxx wrote: > > I looked at both urls > > The man knows how to write and put up a webpage. IF only one could get that installed in linux, instead of windows which won't allow > > that, and I cannot get INTO linux beyond gnome, so far. Consider the bugs, > > fill in the search box when I don't even know what bugs to look at, also > > looked at the list, I might as well be reading swahili. The bugs are topic > > and task specific, which requires one already knows how Linux works and can > > use it. Then some or other detail won't go as EXPECTED and one focusses on > > solving that within one's grasp of the subject. It means one must at least > > have some grasp to things. So far I have none. Now how can an expert make > > it easy to understand to a newbie? Which inverts the issue as put up by the > > next one. > > I'm seriously having a hard time understanding your English. is a > Linux application. It installs very easily on Red Hat. Download the .rpm > file, and run: rpm -ivh webmin-version.arch.rpm. (replace "version" and > "arch" with the actual terms from the file you downloaded). > > I don't understand what you mean by "get INTO linux beyond gnome". What is > your goal? How can we help you obtain your goal? > > What bugs are you talking about? Where are you "filling in the search box"? > > What "list" are you looking at? > > If you don't know how to use Linux or how Linux works, why are you looking at > bugs then? Shouldn't you be concentrating on USING Linux rather than trying > to read bug reports? > > Perhaps you should invest in some Using Linux type books. There are plenty > out there. You should also visit You should > probably learn to walk before you run headlong into Linux. > > -- > Jesse Keating RHCE MCSE > > Mondo DevTeam ( > > Was I helpful? Let others know: > > > > -- > Psyche-list mailing list > Psyche-list@xxxxxxxxxx > -- Psyche-list mailing list Psyche-list@xxxxxxxxxx