More accurately, /usr/bin/gnome-wm is a shell script that checks if you explicitly asked for a window manager; otherwise it looks for any of metacity sawfish sawmill enlightenment icewm wmaker fvwm2 qvwm fvwm twm kwm in your $PATH and picks the first that it finds. It then execs the window manager. The message below comes from metacity, and you have to type 'metacity --replace' directly if you want to follow suggestion, because gnome-wm absorbs the option. BTW, it seems it will only replace another metacity. General switching is possible, e.g., kill `ps -e | grep metacity | cut -c-5`; sawfish & Hoping this is remotely helpful Christian Excerpt of my message (sent 11 March 2003): > try 'gnome-wm'. When I run it here where it is already running, I get > a complaint, of course: > > Window manager warning: Screen 0 on display ":0.0" already has a > window manager; try using the --replace option to replace the > current window manager. > Excerpt of message (sent 11 March 2003) by Ryan McDougall: > > How do you start KDE or GNOME manually? -- Psyche-list mailing list Psyche-list@xxxxxxxxxx