Re: disk partition

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That does help give me some direction, thanks.

*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

>Here is the breakdown for the general usage of partitions:
>Swap partition should be twice physical ram size. There used to be a
>128MB limit, but that is gone now.
>root or / partition holds all system files. RedHat 8, with the
>everything option is 4.5 GB. My root is 8 GB since I am greedy.
>/usr/local is where files installed by users will be placed. That should
>go accordingly. For example I have Unreal Tournament installed, and that
>took up 2.7GB of space in /usr/local/games. This partition should be one
>of the biggest if that is what you do.
>/boot holds the kernel and boot files. Mine is 250MB, but that is large.
>For RH 8 you can get away with 75MB, but I prefer larger mysel;f as I
>keep more kernels around.
>/home is where your users personal files are stored. I have a 20GB home
>partition, and I am the only one on the machine. That is overkill in my
>case. If you download a lot of software though, which I do, then  it
>should be sized accordingly. A developer for example would need a larger
>/home partition due to all the files they will have. 
>/var is traditionally more for logs and print spoolers, but RH has made
>it the place for web server files and the ftp root.
>Bottom line is it is all relative to what your purpose is. If the
>machine is a web server or ftp server, with the default RH setup, then
>/var would be another partition where you would want larger.
>Hope I helped a little.
>> regards,
>> shane.
>Eric Burke
>> -- 
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