Re: USB Camera and SCSI Mass Storage device

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Thanks for the help Stephen,

here's what I'm seeing right now (directory/contents)...

ide-scsi  scsi  usb-storage-0  usb-storage-1

Also, I got the following.........
001  002  003  devices  drivers

I can see how /dev/scd0    (scsi disk 0)... get's mapped to /dev/cdrom.  I just had to redo that with "ln -s /dev/scd0 /dev/cdrom" since I first posted on the list.

Where is the USB device?  I've successfully mounted /dev/scd1 with the addition of this line to the /etc/fstab
/dev/scd1 /camera usbfs defaults 0 0

when examining the mount, I get the following directory......
001  002  003  devices  drivers

I've read the devices file and have found the entry for the camera, but I'm unable to actually get any of the data or even find a "drive" where I could see the files.....

What am I doing wrong?


I've also tried to map
Dan Devine <>

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