Compaq Evo W8000 & Compaq OEM Windows XP

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Dear Sir or Madam,

I have recently received a brandnew Compaq Evo W8000 workstation accompanied
by a Compaq OEM Windows XP disk. The objective was to install XP on the
first two Maxtor SCSI disks (sda/sdb) and after that install Red Hat Linux
8.0 on the next two empty Maxtors (sdc/sdd). This was based on prior
experience with Windows 2000 and Red Hat 8.0 (first install Windows and add
Linux to that afterwards). Windows XP has been installed with NTFS (there
was no other choice with Compaq OEM Windows XP btw), it now seems that even
those disks that are empty have a difficulty : the system hangs during
installation when the Adaptec aic7899 scsi driver is loaded. When reverting
to Red Hat 7.3 the empty disks cannot be initialised either automatically or
with disk druid. The installer says it needs to intialise the disk but warns
that this would destroy all the data on it. When given the OK for the empty
sdc and sdd it fails in initializing.

Of course I realise that NTFS has its problems with support under Linux, but
I can live with having disks split two ways (2 for Linux and 2 for XP). As
long as installing either OS is not hindered, that is.

Anybody have a clue how to proceed with the installed XP ?
Anybody succeeded where I have failed (so far) ?

John Pover

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