Scott Chaney said: > I am having this strange problem under RH 8.0 and I am totally stumped > as to the cause. Every once an awhile( 1 to 2 times a day) I will have > my session crash and go back to the RH login screen. I don't think > there is any application or action that I am doing that causes it to > happen. It just happens randomly. Here is my system specs: > Yeah, X has bugs. ;-) I was experiencing something similar in RH 7.3, or rather the version of XFree86 that shipped with that distro. There was what amounted to a null pointer reference somewhere in the bowels of the X code. I worked with one of the XFree guys on patching it up. On the plus side, I learned a lot about rebuilding and patching X from scratch (shudder). I've heard isolated reports of X crashes in our labs with 8.0, but I haven't been able to reproduce them as consistently as I had before. If you can reproduce the problem consistently and don't mind some GDB tracing to find the error, the XFree developers were pretty speedy in getting me a patch. --Chris -- Psyche-list mailing list