RE: MySQL IDE and Language (long)

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Thanks for the answers.  

Am I new to Linux?  No, not any more.  I am past learning how to boot
the computer and before I leave tonight I will have learned how to shut
it down.

Actually, I am still trying to learn the most basic of the basics still.
I have my little notebook and I am learning something, doing it, writing
it down and re-doing it so I can learn to do it more than once. 

I have learned that in the computer world, life is much easier if one
follows the path of the more supported, popular products in which one
can get help.  That's why I bombed out on learning C.  I would try a
segment of code, need help and it took over two weeks to learn how to
send a "hello world" to the printer.  Back then, that was a generic
dot=matrix printer.

Cable modem and email lists have radically reduced the time it takes to
get support, not to mention the number of products available.  

I don't want to spend a lot of time looking for something to use, and I
don't want to spend a lot of time spinning my wheels when I get
something either.  So for those reasons, I ask questions.  I want to
find something powerful enough to use for whatever I do and popular
enough for me to have little or no trouble finding support when I need

I have a bunch of little projects in mind but I also have one very major
project ahead of me.  It will involve a multi-user database that can
handle dozens of simultaneous users and over a million records in one
table not counting the related tables.

As for the extra products, you think like me, get rid of them!  I always
wanted to do that with m$, but it becomes disastrous to try!  

Thanks for the input.  I will take it to heart.  I am asking now even
though I am not ready to start using the programs because I have time to
sort through the answers and make my choice when I am ready to do

As for installing the programs... I haven't learned how yet. 

Thanks again


-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of JD
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 10:52 PM
Subject: Re: MySQL IDE and Language (long)

Buck wrote:

>What do you think of version 3 open source version?

1. Size is too big. The tar file of K2 OE is less than 40MB, compiled 
for +/- 101MB; K3 OE is +/- 90MB, compiled for +/- 180MB.
2. I don't need C++. Or if I need one, then gcc is far a much much 
better tool, either for learning the language or for its power. Samples,

templates, proven codes of working programs, these are all available for

3. I just do coding for my personal things, for organizing my own 
libraries for music, mp3, ebooks, and the like. That is the most 
complicated programs that I have ever made for myself...:) But after 
all..., I don't think I have a complicated life to be organized by a 
software...:) [lol]
4. So, for that simple, direct and personal purpose; K2 OE is already 
more than a blessing for me.

Anyway, are you new to Linux? Then my advice is: don't get lost, trapped

or get busy more in choosing the things rather than really start to use

Linux is really a colorful world of choices. The choices in OpenSource 
is much bigger than the biggest American supermarket. In this sense, we 
really have to know what we need and choose one of the tools and just 
stick to it. Being realistic is kind of important.

Like the choices of editors that Linux/OpenSource has, we have gedit, 
kedit, kate, vi, emacs, tons of flavours for emacs, tons of flavours for

vi..., but how many do we need? Just one, isn't it? So, I stick only to 
kate and vi for the konsole. I don't say that emacs is bad or less 
interesting; but I don't need it. So, I just get rid of those that I 
don't need. And I just don't bother to know that as well. Maybe next 
time if I have time.

Then for multimedia. We have gqmpeg, xmms, grip, sox and still tons of 
other softwares. Too much to choose, so I just use mpg321 and xmms.

Then the browsers, mozilla, opera, lynx, konqueror, galeon..., how many 
do we need? I stick to mozilla [because the code can be played around] 
and lynx for the terminal.

Scripting language is the same. I just stick to ruby and shell, but out 
there there are still phyton, perl, bash, even basic is also supported 
in Linux!, not to mention javascript, java. Too many choices are bad for

our health..., so I just stick to one and, not ignore, but uninstall 
that I don't need.

So, if you're completely new to Linux, do enjoy your current experience 
in this jungle of choices like Alice...:) But, move fast and just stick 
to one that you think can best serve your need. I think it's good to 
have 1 software with a UI and 1 without UI for konsole use. Then spend 
minimum a six-months period to really just use these tools that you have

chosen. Join its mailing list and really learn to use it to your 
benefit. That way OpenSource will serve your computing need better.



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