RE: Email and printing (loading linux from NT bootloader)

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WARNING: this is not for the faint hearted, especially if you don't know what the c:\boot.ini file does in windows
Scraped from all those MINI BootLoader + Linux Howtos

Step 1) install grub or lilo on the bootsector of the linux partition (not the MBR of the machine)
Step 2) startup linux using a bootdisk or the redhat 8 bootable CD 1 and type 'linux rescue'
Step 3) Peel the bootsector of the linux partition.
	Assuming your partitions look like this:
		- /dev/hda1	Windows NTFS
		- /dev/hda2 Linux Swap
		- /dev/hda3 ext3 (your redhat 8 linux partition with grub on its bootsector)

	execute this command:
	dd if=/dev/hda3 of=/bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1

	copy the peeled bootsector to a file like so:
	insert floppy in drive
	execute these commands:
	mount /mnt/floppy
	cp /bootsect.lnx /mnt/floppy/bootsect.lnx
	umount /mnt/floppy   (IMPORTANT !!!!! you must umount to ensure file is copied)

Step 4) Restart in windows (remove the floppy first)
Step 5) copy the bootsect.lnx file from the floppy to c:
Step 6) edit the c:\boot.ini file to have the following line
	c:\bootsect.lnx\="Redhat Linux 8.0"	

	(you may need to set explorer to not hide operating system files).

Step 7) restart your machine and pick "Redhat Linux 8.0"	

Hope that helps


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